Clues to Dental Problems
- Weight Loss
- Poor coat condition
Eating habits:
- Dropping excessive grain
- Tilting head while eating
- Packing forage between molars and cheeks
- Eating hay before grain
- Bolting of feed
- Quidding (sucking juices and spitting fibers)
- Irregular jaw movement while eating
- Excessive salivation and drooling
- Change in drinking habits
External head inspection:
- Bad breath
- Bumps on jaw or face
- Discharge in eye, ear or nose
- Bleeding from mouth
- Cheeks sensitive to touch when palpating
- Long particles in feces
- Swelling in throat area
Performance and behaviour:
- Bad general attitude
- Tilting head while riding
- Tossing head while riding
- Tongue hanging out while riding
- Charging at the bit while riding
- Refusing to accept bit,
- Refusing to change leads
- Refusing to collect
- Rearing
- Change in performance from normal
Health and fertility:
- Cribbing
- Colic
- Choking
- Mares unable to reach estrous cycle
- Stallions unwilling to breed